UPDATE 1.19.24: In an abundance of caution, the Deliverance Conference, Impartation Service & Brunch are canceled due to hazardous road conditions and inclement weather.

Serve With Victory

We Are Servants!

“But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.”

Matthew 23:11 KJV

Worship & Sacred Arts

The Music & Sacred Arts Ministry serves the purposes of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, encouraging believers in their walk with Christ, leading the congregation in worship, and providing an avenue through which individuals may share their gifts and be an integral part of the worship experience. The Music Ministry spreads the Word of God through musical expressions.


Spiritual development and discipleship are at the forefront of Dr. Sledge’s teachings and vision for VWO ministries. Every member of Victory is expected to become a Disciple. Romans 12:1 calls for us to present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy, acceptable to God which is our reasonable service and verse 2 challenges us not to conform to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is good and acceptable and in the perfect will of God. When a church becomes strong in the disciplines of the faith and is contagious with Christ, then people will be attracted to that church. The result will be real growth and glory to our Lord.


Victory World Outreach Ministries affirms the definition of “missions” to be an evangelistic endeavor outside our local congregation to fulfill the Great Commission by proclaiming the gospel of Christ, making disciples, and gathering these disciples into local bodies while relating to the needs of the total person (spiritual, physical, emotional, and social). The people of our community matter to God, and they matter to us. That is why we are committed to going beyond our campus to serve, care for, and connect with the people who live around us. Every week, volunteers participate in initiatives that touch the lives of the people who live closest to us — from our neighborhoods to the surrounding communities to Huntsville city projects.


Whereas the church grows broader through missions, and larger through evangelism, the Missions and Evangelism Community exists to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ by meeting the needs of a hurting humanity. Ultimately, their goal is to win souls for Christ and provide hope in Jesus to everyone they meet. We’re called as followers of Christ to share His message of hope and love, leading others to a life-changing personal relationship with Him. Christ calls us to share His promise of eternal love in and outside the church, so that others can do the same. The Evangelism Ministry works hand-in-hand with the Mission Ministry to answer God’s call to reach and touch the lives of people who may not know that God loves them and that He has a plan for them. In love and with action, we’re building relationships with each other and with God.